Friday, September 5, 2014

DATE :-- 5th Sep 2014

Network Manager Issue in RHEL 7

Error: ---

1        1)      Error: Connection activation failed: Connection 'enp0s3' is not available on the device enp0s3              at this time.
2        2)      Wrong MAC Address
3        3)      Ifconfig –a was not showing the static ip address even after putting the static ip in
            application à Sundry à network connections

After cloning the Machine. I was not able to get the static and dhcp ip address displayed

All command run using root
Step 1:-- nmcli general status   (NetworkManager Overall status)
Step 2:-- nmcli connection show –active (To Show active connection)
Step 3:-- nmcli connection show (To show all connection)
Step 4:-- nmcli device status (To show device status)
Step 5:-- ip addr (To get the correct MAC address of the device)
Step 6:-- nmtui (GUI Console will open change the MAC Address)

Step 7:-- Activate the network interface one by one 

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