Saturday, October 25, 2014

List of Oracle Enqueue

The Oracle enqueues are:
  • BL, Buffer Cache Management
  • BR, Backup/Restore
  • CF, Controlfile Transaction
  • CI, Cross-instance Call Invocation
  • CU, Bind Enqueue
  • DF, Datafile
  • DL, Direct Loader Index Creation
  • DM, Database Mount
  • DR, Distributed Recovery Process
  • DX, Distributed Transaction
  • FP, File Object
  • FS, File Set
  • HW, High-Water Lock
  • IN, Instance Number
  • IR, Instance Recovery
  • IS, Instance State
  • IV, Library Cache Invalidation
  • JI, Enqueue used during AJV snapshot refresh
  • JQ, Job Queue
  • KK, Redo Log "Kick"
  • KO, Multiple Object Checkpoint
  • L[A-P], Library Cache Lock
  • LS, Log Start or Switch
  • MM, Mount Definition
  • MR, Media Recovery
  • N[A-Z], Library Cache Pin
  • PF, Password File
  • PI, Parallel Slaves
  • PR, Process Startup
  • PS, Parallel Slave Synchronization
  • Q[A-Z], Row Cache
  • RO, Object Reuse
  • RT, Redo Thread
  • RW, Row Wait
  • SC, System Commit Number
  • SM, SMON
  • SN, Sequence Number
  • SQ, Sequence Number Enqueue
  • SR, Synchronized Replication
  • SS, Sort Segment
  • ST, Space Management Transaction
  • SV, Sequence Number Value
  • TA, Transaction Recovery
  • TC, Thread Checkpoint
  • TE, Extend Table
  • TM, DML Enqueue
  • TO, Temporary Table Object Enqueue
  • TS, Temporary Segment (also TableSpace)
  • TT, Temporary Table
  • TX, Transaction
  • UL, User-defined Locks
  • UN, User Name
  • US, Undo Segment, Serialization
  • WL, Being Written Redo Log
  • XA, Instance Attribute Lock
  • XI, Instance Registration Lock

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