Thursday, November 20, 2014

How to read statspack report

1) Wait Events :-- Look for excessive waits and wait times and check for specific problems
2) SQL Ordered by Buffer Gets,Physical Reads and Rows Processed :-- Figure out which SQL statements to tune
3) Instance Activity statistics :-- Compare with baseline report,compute additional statistics
4) Tablespace and File I/O :-- Investigate I/O bottlenecks,identify files and tablespaces with heavy I/O
5) Buffer Pool :-- Identify buffer pool with high I/O
6) Buffer wait statistics :-- Identify buffer type with large waits
7) Enqueue Activity :- Identify the locks which are causing most waits
8) Rollback Segment statistics and Storage :-- Investigate waits for rollback segments
9) Latch Activity,Latch Sleep Breakdown ,Latch Miss Sources :-- Identify latch bottlenacks
10) Non-default init.ora -- Look for init.ora parameter definitions

Look for statspack report in this order

1) Top 5 wait events
2) Load profile
3) Instance Efficiency Hit Ratios
4) Wait Events / Wait Event Histograms
5) Latch Waits
6) Top SQL
7) Instance Activity/Time Model Stats/ O/S Stats
8) File I/O / File Read Histogram / Undo Stats
9) Memory Allocations
10) Undo


Top 5 wait events

Load Profile :-- use the Load Profile to verify the validity of comparing a report generated during a problem period with a report generated during a baseline period

Example of Load Profile

Load Profile
~~~~~~~~~~~~                            Per Second       Per Transaction
                                   ---------------       ---------------
                  Redo size:            351,530.67              7,007.37
              Logical reads:              5,449.81                108.64   --Key Metric
              Block changes:              1,042.08                 20.77
             Physical reads:                 37.71                  0.75   --Key Metric
            Physical writes:                134.68                  2.68   --Key Metric
                 User calls:              1,254.72                 25.01
                     Parses:                  4.92                  0.10
                Hard parses:                  0.02                  0.00
                      Sorts:                 15.73                  0.31
                     Logons:                 -0.01                  0.00
                   Executes:                473.73                  9.44   --Key Metric
               Transactions:                 50.17                         --Key Metric

  % Blocks changed per Read:   19.12    Recursive Call %:     4.71
 Rollback per transaction %:    2.24       Rows per Sort:    20.91

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